Friday, 26 November 2010

I Might Be Going Abit Overboard With These Now..?

I quite like this one :)

And this one is alright..

It's just the white balance that annoys me about this picture! Her face just doesn't look right :(



  1. It's a shame about the white balance, I think the bottom picture would've been perfect for the back cover.
    Perhaps some screen grabs from the performance peice in the tv studio could be used for the front cover?
    Also, are we going to be using a picture of the open photo album used in the video for the inside of the cd case? I'll try to get a good picture that I think will work to put on here and show you, because I think it would be quite a nice effect.


  2. Yeah we could use a screen grab if we needed to. Would have to see what the quality was like though..
    I think the photo album would work well in the centre of the cd case :)
